nutrix - definitie. Wat is nutrix
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Wat (wie) is nutrix - definitie

Wet-nurse; Wetnurse; Milk nurse; Wet nursing; Wetnursing; Nutrix; Wet-nursed; Milk mother; Wet nurses
  • A funerary [[stele]] (akin to a gravestone) erected by Roman citizen Lucius Nutrius Gallus in the 2nd half of the 1st century AD for himself, his wet nurse, and other members of his family and household
  • A Russian wet nurse, c. 1913
  • An infant who has been living with a wet nurse being taken away from its foster parents by its natural mother. By [[Étienne Aubry]]
  • Richard Bertie]], are forced into exile, taking their baby and wet nurse
  • Louis XIV]] as an infant with his nurse Longuet de la Giraudière
  • The bureau of wet nurses in Paris
  • "Visite Chez la Nourrice" ("Visit to the Wet nurse") by [[Victor Adam]]
  • A 16th-century carving in a Belgian church, showing a woman expressing her milk into a bowl.
  • Enslaved Black woman wet-nursing white infant

Wet nurse         
·- A nurse who suckles a child, especially the child of another woman. ·cf. Dry nurse.
wet nurse         
¦ noun chiefly historical a woman employed to suckle another woman's child.
¦ verb (wet-nurse) act as a wet nurse to.
?informal look after (someone) as though they were a helpless infant.
wet nurse         
also wet-nurse (wet nurses)
In former times, a wet nurse was a woman who was paid to breast-feed another woman's baby.


Wet nurse

A wet nurse is a woman who breastfeeds and cares for another's child. Wet nurses are employed if the mother dies, or if she is unable or chooses not to nurse the child herself. Wet-nursed children may be known as "milk-siblings", and in some cultures, the families are linked by a special relationship of milk kinship. Wet-nursing existed in cultures around the world until the invention of reliable formula milk in the 20th century. The practice has made a small comeback in the 21st century.